How Did This Happen?

How is it that I found myself in Alliance, Nebraska, visiting a place called “Carhenge,” on a cold Saturday morning in March?

These are the questions, reader, I have found myself asking over and over again these past several months. The common denominator among these questions, of course, is that they all basically ask the following: How did this happen? How is it that I live 2 and 1/2 hours from the nearest Starbucks? How is it that I’m actually responsible for the education of a dozen small children? How is it that I just participated in an outhouse race?

I have no idea. But I feel the events prompting such questions may prove interesting reading for others. And, hence, my blog, “How Did This Happen?”


~ by haysa on March 16, 2008.

One Response to “How Did This Happen?”

  1. Hays, amazing start to the blog! I love the questions. Here’s another one for you to consider adding: how is it that you turned down $90…. Keep up the good work!

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